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Difference between UX and UI Design

Mobile app design and development companies assure you to deliver an incredible app. You may get confused as which one to choose and which one to skip. Generally, mobile app development companies try to keep up their promises in building an innovative app, but some companies may fail. A main reason behind the low quality mobile app design and development services is an incorrectly designed user interface and user experience.
If you are working as a UI/UX designer, it is important to consider a few vital factors which would help you in delivering excellent mobile apps in order toengage users and justify for the client's monetary investment.
You may have come across many confusable terms UI design, UX designs, interaction design, visual design etc.First, let us see what is User Interface and User Experience.
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User Interface:
User interface design is the look and feel, the presentation and interactivity.User Interface is an area where users can interact with the device. The aim of the user interface is to give a fresh feel to users by making easy access of the app or device. The feedback received from the machine makes the user to perform operational decisions.The user interface includes both hardware and software component. Better user-interaction meansvery efficiently and effectively communicating with user with better design to achieve the required result.
User interface design is the user-friendly design of the devicethat is to make stronger, smoother, enjoyable and satisfying interaction. The user interface designer work is to enrich the user experience with good design and making better design with the user feedback. User interface designer feels his work like creating an art, hebuilds a creative and innovativedesignusing his skills, knowledge earned from experienceand the latest techniques. Generally, UI designers use software tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Cinema 4D and ZBrushto bring out amazing designs.

User Experience:
User Experience tells about the person’s behaviour and attitude in using the system or product or service.Mobile app users have an experience in various aspects like theoretical, experimental, effective and meaningful.User Experience Design (UXD or UED) is the process of strengthening customer satisfaction and honesty by understanding the factors like usability and ease of use to communicate between the customer and the product.
Before figuring out the differences, let’s first see the similarities between these confusable terms.
•    User interface and User experience terms can be applied to any products.
•    Both will solve the problem issues related to design aspect.
•    Both are targeted to the users.

Finally, we have reached the differences,
UI design
-    Deals with user interface of a product
-    It is the front-end look and feel of the product.
-    It is the visual that what you look.
-    Point of interaction
-    It is designed in pixels
-    It is the component of UX design
UX design
-    It shows how the app is convenient to the users.
-    Deals with the functional requirement of the site or app.
-    It tells how you feel when you find something on the site.
-    Tells how the program works and how the users interact with it.
-    Is the result of the interaction with your user interfacedesign.

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